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How to protect Serverless (Open)API's?
Protect your Serverless API's using the OWASP Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities list as a guide. For each vulnerability, I'll explain the risk, and the possible solution.
2020-4-14 on Tuesday 4058 words21 minutescontinue reading -
How to setup a basic VPC with EC2 and RDS using Terraform
This guide will help you set up a basic AWS VPC with a virtual machine (EC2) and database (RDS) using Terraform (Infrastructure as Code).
2020-3-8 on Sunday 1403 words8 minutescontinue reading -
OpenAPI with Terraform on AWS API Gateway
Create a REST API with an OpenAPI document on AWS API Gateway.
2020-1-26 on Sunday 2067 words11 minutescontinue reading -
Why document a REST API as code?
How can you document a REST API as efficiently and effective as possible?
2020-1-19 on Sunday 1768 words9 minutescontinue reading